GC Makes Me Feel Alive :D

Hi hi, I've been "inactive" for these couple of weeks.
Ya, I had a serious problem with my research at last half of March. One of my lab instrument, Gas Chromatography (GC), was suddenly stop working. And it became more terrible when I knew that the possible cause of it was the main board damage.
You know, GC is 200.000 SEK instrument, a very very expensive instrument. Even my home university (UGM) only had two of it. The things my partner and I did when this trouble came was reading the manual book, asking help from PhD student here and calling our senior 'Mas Adhit" as well. All of them had the same hypothesis that the most possible problem is about the mainboard.

You can imagine how my partner and I felt at that time, it was kind of afraid of being a burden for my professor and supervisor, afraid of unable to finish my research. :( I had a bad eating mood then, haha
About a week after, my professor decided to call a serviceman to diagnostic the GC problem.
The serviceman was so friendly, he was a Spanish guy. The problem was not well identified yet, but at least by a good luck we can "temporarily" starting up the GC. And one more "but", but we had another problem, we lost the communication between GC and GC operating software. This is life, a new problem comes after one gone, no way to give up then.

The next discussion was going to solve the communication problem. We asked for help from other department staff. We really helped by my bestie Linda. She helped us finding people around Chalmers who knows about GC. People here are so helpful, one by one they came to our lab, to see and check if there anything they could do. But still, the problem didn't solved yet.

Then finally we met Mr. Martin and Andres from Analytical Chemistry Department. They had the same GC and once facing the same problem with us. They came almost everyday to try a new solution.
-- Solution comes for one who keeps on trying --
We found that the starting up problem was not caused by the main board damage, but due to the depleted battery. GC could be easily started up and off after we change the battery. A really cheap and easy solution but we will never knew it if we just kept on silence and not doing anything.

So now there's only one left problem, the communication problem that mainly caused by unmatched GC firmware and computer software. But I can continue my work using Mr. Martin's GC main board while waiting for a new firmware version from the company.

I always believe that every single scene in my life is well designed by God to let me know better about this life.I learn about hard work from Mr. Martin, about help each other sincerely. There's no way to distinguish people by their skin color, habit and even religion. I'm an Asian muslim small girl, they never treat me bad though I'm a minority here, so what's the reason to treat them bad then??

"You don't have a life till you can respect others' life"

-- Diploma room, CRE, Chalmers University of Technology, 14.13 ETC


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